Taphouse Questions
Yes! We offer event space for your private event. Whether it’s a birthday party, celebration, work outing, or a group get together we can offer indoor or outdoor areas for your party. Reservations are required and we’ll be glad to work with you to customize everything for your day!
We have indoor, outdoor, patio, or tent spaces available for weekdays or weekends. Pricing varies but we’ll be happy to provide a custom quote. Email us at autumn@bighillcider.com to start planning.
Yes! Dogs are welcome outdoors provided they are on a leash and properly supervised at all times. Only service animals are permitted indoors.
When the weather is warm enough to enjoy our orchard, we offer food trucks and music. We work with a number of food trucks with all different styles of food and musicians from all genres. Check our calendar for the latest. Food availability and music may change without notice.
Unfortunately, not at this time. We are quite rural and have limited food options nearby. Some of our favorites locally are Tania’s Mexican Restaurant, Twirly Top, Green Mountain General Store & Deli, Little Italy, and Claudio’s Pizza.
At this time, we do not reserve tables or seats. All of our seating inside and out is first come first serve.
If you’d like to make arrangements to host a gathering or party at our taphouse, email us at info@bighillcider.com to get the ball rolling.
Absolutely! Children, grandparents, and everyone in between are welcome. Keep in mind that we are on a working farm, so be safe and please be mindful of other guests.
We are a working farm so bring appropriate attire and some extra layers for the evening. Temperatures and conditions can change rapidly on Big Hill!
Absolutely! Our parking lot is open to area hikers and riders who wish to spend their day in Michaux State Forest or on the lovely local roads. Access to Michaux is only 3/4 of a mile away via the Chestnut Ridge Haul Road. From there, you can access the Appalachian Trail, Pole Steeple, and endless gravel, road, or mountain biking.
Check our All Trails maps for some of our favorite hikes and rides.
Cider Questions
Yes, we use all the apples.
Some of our ciders (Standard, Little Round Hop, Summer Scrumpy, ect.) are blends of multiple varieties that can change throughout the year and from year-to-year. We also blend English and French bittersweets and bittersharps to adjust for acidity, sugars, and tannins.
Other ciders are single variety ciders like Kingston Black, Golden Russet, and Stoke Red. These are true cider apples that we’ve grown in our orchards.
Yes, our cider is only made using apples from our farm. We use whole ingredients like hops, fruits, and florals. There is never gluten in our ciders.
Cider is produced along the same lines as wine, just with apples instead of grapes.
We harvest our apples from our orchards in the fall at the peak of ripeness. Then they’re either pressed right away or stored in controlled cold storage for up to 8 months. This allows us to press fruit nearly all year round. After pressing, cider is fermented and racked to remove the lees or spent yeast. From here, our traditional ciders are bottled just as they are - no filtration or additives. Other ciders like Standard, Little Round Hop, and Michaux Mule are blended and backsweetened with fresh pressed cider, then filtered. Finally it’s just a matter of bottling and kegging and getting cider out to you!
Our two farms are roughly 45 total acres with about 25 acres in fruit production. Both farms together typically produce around 20,000 bushels of apples as well as peaches, strawberries, blueberries, cherries, blackberries, raspberries, and more. In season, we’ll have all of these fruits available for purchase at the Taphouse.